Jumat, 04 November 2011


Scientific methods are the steps that use a systematic and regular basis in order to find the truth of science. 
Research can be divided into two groups, namely:

1. Research Qualitative 
Qualitative research is research conducted using the senses without reference to the standard unit of measurement. 
Example: research on sunflower morphological structure.

Research Quantitative 
Quantitative research is research carried out using a measuring instrument and refers to the standard unit of measurement. 
Example: research on sunflower growth per week.

To get results, measures are needed following the scientific method.

1. Set Problem formulation  
In the formulation of the problem should have noticed the following things: 
a. Problems suggested a link between some variables or more. 
b. The problem is a problem that can be tested and can be solved. 
c. Problems are arranged in the form of short questions, solid and clear. 
Example: Are there effects of deforestation on flooding?

2. Set Theory Framework 

Next step is to gather descriptions and information, both theoretical and data-data facts on the ground, dealing with the problems occurred.

3. Formulate Hypothesis  
Hypothesis is the answer to a temporary or dubious because not proven through experimentation (trial). The hypothesis should have noticed the following things. 
- Written in a statement. 
- Simple and clear, containing the variables of concern. 
- Based on the descriptions or information from sources that were examined both reading and fact.

There are two kinds of hypotheses, namely: 
-hypothesis zero: the answer while stating there was no effect of the variables. 
Example: there is no effect of deforestation on flood 
-hypothesis Alternatif: the answer while stating there is a relationship between the variables. 
Example: there is the influence of deforestation on flooding.

4. Do experiments  
Experiments were conducted experiments on research that's done.

5. Process and Analyzing Data 

Data can be processed and presented in the form of tables, charts, or diagrams. After that, the data are analyzed and discussed and adjusted with the theoretical framework that has been made to seek the truth whether the hypothesis has been obtained in accordance with experimental data or not.

Interesting Conclusion  
Conclusions can be drawn from experimental data. There are two kemugkinan conclusion, that no hypothesis or alternative hypothesis.

7. Publish Results 

Publish the results is to inform others of the experimental results that have been done, so that someone else knows or can be trying out again. 

Composition of scientific reports in general are as follows.

1. title 
2. foreword 
3. table of contents 
4. CHAPTER I. preliminary
  I.I. Problem Background 

  I.2. problem formulation
  I.3. Research objectives 
  I.4. The research hypothesis 
5. CHAPTER II. Reader review 
6. CHAPTER III. Materials and Methods of work 
7. CHAPTER IV. The results of da Analysis / Discussion 
8. CHAPTER V. Conclusions and Recommendations

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